Play Therapy
Play Therapy in San Antonio and Schertz: Where Healing Meets Playful Exploration
You love your child but have been consumed with worries about their emotions and behaviors. Every day it seems like there is another struggle that you have to deal with. You’ve noticed the increasing presence of heightened emotions, refusal to follow directions, problems focusing, and difficulty getting along with others. At first, you thought you were in the season of normal child development where children test boundaries. However, you’re now noticing that your child is testing boundaries daily.
You don’t want your child to become “that kid”. Our play therapists can help with your child’s behavior.
You’ve had a good handle on how to help your child, but now problems are showing up in different places. You’re getting calls from the school, noticing whispers and side glances in public, and have had a few concerned phone calls from family members and friends.
Play therapy can help your child effectively communicate their feelings and emotions.
Our team at HOPE helps children ages 2 to 12 explore their lives and freely express themselves through play. We collaborate with you to establish goals based on your concerns, and the behavioral or emotional patterns you’d like to see adjusted. You and play therapist will monitor your goals and meet monthly to review progress.
We create a safe and enjoyable environment during your child’s 45-minute weekly play therapy sessions. We dance, we sing, we laugh, we explore, we build, we create, and we PLAY. Your child will learn healthier ways to express themselves, form respectful relationships, have more positive interactions with others, heal from past trauma, and discover effective ways to solve problems in a positive manner.
Play Therapy San Antonio & Schertz: Unlock your child's transformative journey to well-being with our play therapy process.
Our 3-Step Play Therapy Process:
Parent coaching is the first step in our play therapy process. In these weekly meetings, you will meet with your child’s play therapist to create a parenting plan to address your concerns. We do this because the structure in a child’s environment often needs adjusting before they can get the maximum benefit from their own play therapy experience.
The next step in our process is assessment. We will work with you to ensure that you are implementing your plan on a consistent basis. Should you experience challenges that stop you from being able to work your plan, we work with you to address those challenges head on. As you consistently work your plan, we will assess any continued problematic behaviors or concerns you notice and celebrate the growth that you are experiencing in your parenting.
Play therapy with your child is the final step in our process. If you need this step, we will meet with your child one-on-one in weekly sessions. It is not uncommon that the need for this step is eliminated due to problematic behaviors decreasing and you knowing how to take action when concerns do arise. This final step if often helpful if:
you have consistently worked your plan and made changes at home, but your child is still stuck
your child has experienced a specific trauma or life altering event that needs to be processed through play
your child has experienced a change in the family context like fostering, adoption, birth of a new baby, or death of a loved one, which have made it hard for them to adjust